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America Has More in Common with the Ancient Aztecs & Mayans than We Imagine!

Bribed, Blackmailed & Brainwashed – Pt. 8: “The Return of Paganism”

By Richard Allen – August 5, 2024

For many believers – especially those who are watching the culture decay around us, the previous weekend was a watershed moment. To say “the bloom is off the rose,” would be an understatement. For those who may still believe that Western cultures are just going through growing pains, the “display of debauchery” and decadent sin at the opening of the 2024 Olympic Summer Games in Paris, make it clear that like Rome, the West is near the end. For the past 50+ years, there has been open hostility toward Christianity in general, and Jesus Christ in particular. Not that mere mortals can actually assault or challenge the God of Heaven, they can’t. But in an outward sense, they are openly disavowing any connection to, or respect for, the centerpiece of the Christian West, the Lord Jesus! This was actually predicted many years ago by the Psalmist. Here’s what the Modern Message Translation says:

"Why do the nations rage, and the peoples plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His Anointed (Christ), saying, ‘Let us tear off their bonds and cast away their restraints from us’ ” (Psalm 2:1-3). 

The nations are in a rage against the Lord and His Anointed One – Jesus, the Christ!  Any bonds or restraint against their sin, must be cast off!  Western Christendom, inaugurated by the nations’ obedience to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and His Church are passe’ to say the least – and genuinely hated by the rulers of this present age. There are those who championed this current age of “Science and Learning,” believing that man had finally figured things out, and “peace on earth” was within his grasp. Two World Wars and dozens of other Genocidal Despots later, and the future doesn’t look so idealistic and rosy.  Recently, God-hating Evolutionary Biologist, Richard Dawkins – the author of “The God Delusion” – now laments the demise of Christianity in Britain and Western Europe.

“The author of The God Delusion has previously expressed concern about the decline of Christianity in the West, controversially stating he did not know of Christians who are carrying out acts of terrorism. ‘There are no Christians, as far as I know, blowing up buildings. I am not aware of any Christian suicide bombers. I am not aware of any major Christian denomination that believes the penalty for apostasy is death. I have mixed feelings about the decline of Christianity, in so far as Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse,’ he said.” [ ]

Dawkins goes on to say that he’s not a believer, but a “Cultural Christian.” He warns others in Britain – now confronted with a literal “barbarian at the gates” – as the British helplessly watch his Christian Culture – the one he’s spent a lifetime destroying, truncated by the forced migration of Muslims from the Third World. They are here to rape, pillage and conquer – just like Islam has done countless other times in history – it’s how they “evangelize,” and gain converts to their Totalitarian world view.  But what is really amazing is Dawkins’ admission that “Christianity might be a bulwark against something worse.” He’s certainly talking in part about the “invasion and conquest of Islam,” but that doesn’t quite account for the same problems happening in the United States, where Islam has not made nearly the same inroads. The real “barbarian at the gate” is Paganism, of which Islam is but one segment. Oh sure, some will say Muslims believe in God, but you can’t really point to any nation where this “ideology holds sway” and say – “Wow, they are tolerant, kind, benevolent and peaceful – or even have a middle class!”

What Richard Dawkins and others like him told us for the past 70 years was: “Let us cast away the bonds and restraints that Christendom has forced on us.”  Those restraints were crazy ideas like:  Love your neighbor, Don’t cheat on your spouse, Don’t abuse or abort children, Don’t kill, Marriage was created by God for One Man and One Woman – you know – “backward and unscientific tenets,” foisted on Society as a bulwark against sin. Science didn’t need God, and once we got rid of those “stodgy old religious relics,” the world would live in a global neighborhood of harmony and peace – you know – “The Age of Aquarius!”  What Dawkins and other God haters didn’t fathom was:  Take away the Christian values that hold civilized Western Societies in relative harmony and order, and mankind reverts to Paganism! 

When the Christian message was broadcast across the Roman Empire 2,000 years ago, the killing of children, slaves, deformed and disabled people, was common place. The “pre-Christian” world was not a pretty place – and men in that world had no concept of “mercy, tolerance, kindness, or care for the broken and downtrodden.”  The only thing that the Pagan world knew was:  Kill or be killed – Might makes Right!  Now, in the decidedly post-Christian West, including America, we have much more in common with the Ancient Aztecs or Viking hordes of past centuries. In the several interviews I’ve read, Richard Dawkins misses “Christian Society,” with hymns and Christmas Carols and Christian kindness and civility – he just wants to enjoy Christendom without Jesus Christ!  This poor man obviously doesn’t get it. The reason the Holy Roman Empire changed and began to care for the poor, feed the hungry and begin to lift up the downtrodden, was more than just culture – it was Faith in, and Obedience to, Jesus Christ (Romans 1:5).

Our modern age began in earnest after the Second World War, bringing prosperity, plenty, and leisure to Western Civilization. No longer content with Faith, Family and Freedom, Americans now enjoyed the tragic fruit of prosperity –“too much idle Leisure time.”  Entire industries emerged to supply the need for “recreation and pleasure.” And before long, our “image-makers” (idolaters?) in Hollywood created an alternate “non-Christian culture” based on post-Christian carnal values through their Movies and Television. As people turned their eyes, ears and hearts toward the pleasure-centered – rather than a God-centered life, we began the long steady slide down the cultural abyss!  Mocking God, we didn’t know that it wasn’t pleasure, but a barbarian just beyond the gate – And Science wasn’t going to keep him out!

While the “transgender-Last-Supper” from the Olympic Summer Games in Paris may have been a wake-up call to many in both “Traditional and Evangelical” Churches, we may be long past the time to save the “rotting Post-Christian Culture.” The only thing that saved and perpetuated Rome for another 800 years was the Advent of the Christian Gospel and the Christianizing of Europe. Even then, the “Pagan Ottoman Empire” challenged Christendom’s influence, and kept much of the world enslaved. This past century witnessed the advent of several “Pseudo-Scientific-Socialist” empires in the U.S.S.R. and the PRC – Peoples Republic of China. Both were “pagan at their core,” still believing in  the myths of paganism – having merged so-called science into their belief that the State was God – they too longed to “cast the restraints of the Lord and His Christ to the side,” all in the name of “Science and Learning.” Communism was just as brutal and murderous as the pre-Christian pagan world had ever been. With the demise of Christian Society –  Paganism has returned with a vengeance. Our moderns are just much better at killing than the ancient Mayan, Aztec, Viking or Benin (Ancient Nigerian) cultures. Without the “bulwark” of Christian Society, there is nothing preventing massive bloodshed as The New World Order returns to Paganism – seeking to “cull the herd of humanity” of billions of lives. This means, killing any and all people who do not conform! (+See Note at Bottom)

There’s probably no place where the powerful influence of Christianity as a bulwark against Paganism can be seen better, than Mel Gibson’s 2006 movie, “Apocalypto.”  Here’s how Wikipedia explains the plot:

“Set in Yucatán around the year 1517, Apocalypto portrays the hero's journey of a young man named Jaguar Paw, a late Mesoamerican hunter and his fellow tribesmen who are captured by an invading force. After the devastation of their village, they are brought on a perilous journey to a Maya city for human sacrifice at a time when the Maya civilization is in decline.” []

Jaguar Paw escaped from the Mayan city – which included a huge pyramid – whose top was a “killing altar” where Mayan Rulers sacrificed thousands of other poor Mayans to their demon gods. In the end, Jaguar Paw finds and rescues his family, whom he had hidden in a pit – then continues to run as he’s being hunted by Mayan soldiers – all because he “dared not to want his heart cut out of his chest and shown to him while he watched.”  Jaguar Paw, his wife and son make it all the way to the shoreline of the great ocean – to witness Spanish sailors and Christian Missionaries arrive in the “new world.” The scene is poignant in the contrasts that it displays. History tells us the same story in another South American culture, the Aztecs.

When Hernan Cortez first witnessed the “barbarism of the Pagan Aztec Culture,” he was appalled.  And even though the Aztec king, Montezuma II offered him great wealth, Cortez could not “unsee” the barbarism of that Pagan Culture. “Human sacrifice and cannibalism” were rampant. So he put a stop to it, deposing Montezuma II and bringing in Missionaries with the Gospel. This one scene reminded me that the Pagan world was not a civil, kind or prosperous place. The Elite Rulers of those pre-Christian Societies acted with reckless abandon toward the poor and common man. Pagan life – before the Christian Gospel “civilized” much of the world – was not a safe place to live.

My prayer is, that we here in the United States will not have to find out the hard way what happens when we “scrub the public square” of all Christian influence and culture. Rather than heed the cry of the sinful rulers of this age that long to be free of God’s control, I long for the “re-creation” of a New Heaven and Earth when Christ returns.  In Psalm 2 we read this promise:

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (Habakkuk 2:14).

Soli Deo Gloria!

+While not directly quoted, several of my ideas were shaped by the writings of John Daniel Davidson’s “Pagan America - The Decline of Christianity and the Dark Age to Come.”

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Aug 05, 2024


SATAN and all those he was allowed to ensnare with his gospel of LIES will resist till the very end - tearing families apart ...

21For at that time there will be great tribulation, unmatched from the beginning of the world until now, and never to be seen again. 22If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, those days will be cut short. Matt 24, 21-22


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