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Bribed, Blackmailed & Brainwashed: Fallen Men Always Cheat! – Pt. 7


“If You Had Not Plowed With My Heifer” - Lessons from the Life of Sampson

By Richard Allen – July 29, 2024

As we head down the final stretch of the 2024 Presidential Election Cycle, it’s clear there is more going on than we are being told. To even think that a geriatric senior, who can barely utter a coherent sentence, and has lost most recent battles with his teleprompter, was ever in charge, is too ludicrous to even imagine.  After the events of the past month, since the first Presidential Debate, it should be clear that the former Democratic President (Obama) is – and always has been in firm control of the Executive Branch. What’s even more ludicrous, is to imagine that just because the Democrats don’t currently have a credible candidate, they won’t go “all out to take the White House” this November by any means. Time and space will not allow me to chronicle all the things that are “hard-wired” in our government, to bring us firmly into “The New World Order.” The last eight years of chicanery, false flags and deception – more than prove my point.

So, for Believers in Jesus Christ, what are we to make of the 2024 Election cycle with the Executive and Legislative Branches both seemingly up for grabs? Never in my life have I seen a PINO – that is President in Name Only – have his policies so firmly rejected by the electorate. Even with the normally over-sampled polls, President Joe was “unelectable” – and everyone knew it. Sadly, I’m not sure that it matters what the electorate thinks or how they vote. Deep State “apparatchiks” are now clearly visible to most Americans. And after the recent assassination attempt against Donald J. Trump, and Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race, it almost feels like a Trump victory is “fait  accompli.” Not to be a “negative nellie,” let me ask:  “After watching the Deep State for the past eight years, do you think they will lay down and concede?” I trust you readers are too smart to believe that. There is ample evidence that Trump will win the 2024 Election by a wide margin.  But let me remind you, most people believe Trump already won the presidency twice. But something happened on the way to the Inauguration in 2021 – Massive State-Run Cheating! However, God’s Providence rules, so we won’t know what His Will is until November!

Let me also tell you readers that this is nothing new.  Fallen men and women have always Bribed, Lied, Cheated, Rigged and Stolen to obtain power, including many Kings and Queens.  And since the advent of democratically structured elections several hundred years ago, corrupt men and women have always found ways to obtain – and hold on to power! If there is an advantage to be gained by cheating, someone will find a way to do it. It was the genius of our original constitutional government to build checks and balances into our process, to prevent corrupt men and women from “gaming the system.” Now, 250 years after our founding, our “checks and balances” are failing to protect us from the cheating that is common in every part of life. Academia is indebted to politicians and government bureaucrats for coveted grant moneys, so they study what they are told, and deliver the desired results. Corporations, once reviled by the “neo-Marxists” on the Left – are now indebted to government contracts and legislation to stay in business. As a result, they dutifully enforce and obey the “woke-policies” of trendy progressives, regardless of the disasters they bring. Just look at how Corporate America bowed the knee to Covid, Black Lives Matter and Critical Race Theory.

And speaking of Medicine, Healthcare is no longer driven by needs in the marketplace, but rather by Government Regulations and Conglomerate Healthcare Insurance Companies . The continuous rising costs can all be traced back to the Government and Insurance Companies rigging the system for those who will play by their rules. Our politicians – ever dependent upon raising “campaign cash” – are controlled by the “lobbyists” representing every stakeholder’s interest in society, Except the Taxpayer and Working Poor. Union Leaders, who in a previous age fought for the safety and working conditions of people who worked in our factories, farms and service industries – are now more concerned about a ”fake-pseudo-religion” masquerading as Climate Science.  Their very purpose is to cancel the jobs of working people. These same Union Leaders have supported the Democrat and Republican Parties as they “off-shored” their jobs, all in the name of reducing pollution in the U.S., thereby saving the planet! Exactly how does moving the pollution to a Third World Country lower anything?  All the while, Corporate and Union “fat-cats” rake in cash from Lobbyists. And all the Non-Government Organizations (NGO’s) are looking to bring to power “The New World Order” by instituting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) that the United Nations and World’s Elite plan to implement by 2030. The diabolical acts that these goals would implement (if we allow them), would make Hitler, Stalin or Mao look like school boys. Working together with “all these global entities” are the governments of both the Industrial and Non-Industrial World. They are all striving to make war on Mankind in General, and the People of God in Particular!  These efforts – while usually touted as “trying to save the planet and the human race,” are in actuality the SDG’s – Satanic Destruction Goals of the Evil One! It has always been the same, ever since the advent of world empires and their despotic leaders.

By now I’m sure you are wondering which Lessons can we learn from Sampson, that explain “man’s penchant to Cheat?” If you remember the story of Sampson, he was a Judge and a Nazirite, separated at birth to be a servant of God. But Sampson was also a man of the flesh, whose eye for attractive women became his downfall. Sampson’s wandering eye led him into Philistia (Judges 14:1), where he saw an attractive Philistine lady who pleased him, so he literally told his parents to get her for him to be his wife. It was unknown to them that God was seeking an occasion to begin the process of delivering Israel from the Philistines. It’s ironic that we hear repeatedly in the Book of Judges that the “Spirit of God rushed upon Sampson” as he wrought havoc against the Five-City Philistinian Empire. Pictured at the top, Sampson gave a feast for his young Philistine friends. Taking a bride from the Philistines provided an occasion for Sampson to “taunt” the 30 young friends with a Riddle regarding the “honey Sampson dug from the Lion’s carcass.” Several days before, Sampson killed this young Lion while traveling, and now the dead carcass had become home to a colony of Bees. And the Bees had busied themselves making a comb full of honey!

“Then Samson went down with his father and mother to Timnah, and they came to the vineyards of Timnah. And behold, a young lion came toward him roaring. Then the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon him, and although he had nothing in his hand, he tore the lion in pieces as one tears a young goat. But he did not tell his father or his mother what he had done. Then he went down and talked with the woman, and she was right in Samson's eyes.  After some days he returned to take her. And he turned aside to see the carcass of the lion, and behold, there was a swarm of bees in the body of the lion, and honey.  He scraped it out into his hands and went on, eating as he went. And he came to his father and mother and gave some to them, and they ate. But he did not tell them that he had scraped the honey from the carcass of the lion” (Judges 14:5-9).

No doubt, Sampson’s experience with both the Lion and the Honey inspired him to pose his Riddle to his “wedding guests” – the 30 young Philistine men.  Make no mistake, Sampson was their political enemy –  and they were his. And why he kept engaging them is pretty clear from Solomon’s dialogue with his parents:

“But his father and mother said to him, “Is there not a woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all our people, that you must go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” But Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, for she is right in my eyes.” His father and mother did not know that it was from the Lord, for he was seeking an opportunity against the Philistines. At that time the Philistines ruled over Israel.” (Judges 14:3-4).

Losing Sampson’s Riddle challenge would have given Sampson 30 changes of clothes, one from each of his so-called young friends. The 30 Philistine companions weren’t going to give up on guessing Sampson’s Riddle without a fight.  Having no “spiritual perceptions,” the Riddle – with obvious reference to “the sweetness that comes by the death of Jesus, the Lion from the Tribe of Judah” – Sampson’s friends threatened his wife saying: “Entice your husband to tell us what the riddle is, lest we burn you and your father's house with fire” (Judges 14:15). So, after crying and badgering Sampson for a week, he finally relented and told her the answer to his Riddle. When the seven days were up, Sampson’s friends showed up and were able to answer his Riddle. It’s then that we hear Sampson’s pronouncement of his wife and friend’s treachery: “If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle” (Judges 14:18).

Sampson’s response was immediate, he went down to Askelon and struck down 30 men and took their garments – just to settle the debt with his friends. Sampson left in a fit of rage, so His father-in-law gave his wife to his best man, thinking that Sampson hated her. At this point Sampson was really angered, caught 300 foxes, tied lit torches tail to tail between pairs of them, and let them loose. The outcome was devastating, the crazed foxes set fire to the Philistines standing grain and olive orchards. When the Philistines came to Sampson’s father-in-law, after learning who had done this and why – they burned Sampson’s father-in-law and wife with fire. Needless to say, their cheating and treachery did not end well for them. The lessons from the life of Sampson are profound, but can help us understand how “The New World Order,”  works and how they can rule with “full sway” over most of mankind: 1.) The Fall has left Men and Women with “reprobate minds” (Romans 1:28), that is – minds that are incapable of righteousness. 2.) As a result, Men and Women are easy targets for scams and corrupt acts. 3.)  Everyone lies, and most people will cheat if threatened – or just to gain an advantage. 4.) Politics world over are based on “cheating, lying, kick-backs, pay-offs and retribution.” It’s no different with “The New World Order,” Cheating is the coin of the realm!  5.) In the end, those who cheat, lie, and scheme to rig the system in their favor – end up being burned with fire. And it’s not just in the final judgment, many of them will experience justice in this life. Lastly, 6.) Sampson was used by God to judge the Philistines, yet by wanting to be accepted, he suffered an ignoble death, bringing the “house down upon himself and his Philistine masters.”

My prayer for the Church of Jesus Christ is that we would be different than the corrupt

culture around us. Yes, we are ridiculed and often persecuted for being different, but so was our Lord Jesus during His time on earth. We are called to be different than the “world’s system” which the Apostle John tells us “lies in the wicked one” (I John 5:19). In our fallen world – where virtually every system and structure has been compromised by money, influence, power, sexual favors, extortion and threats – let us strive to shine bright as Children of the Light!  Show those around us that followers of Jesus Christ are different.  We serve at King Jesus’ favor, it’s He whom we seek to please!

Soli Deo Gloria!



Jul 29, 2024

"And since the advent of democratically structured elections several hundred years ago, …"

Don't be fooled that back then man was less corrupted. Putting words on a piece of paper without having to defend it themselves with their own blood they - "founding fathers" - served themselves as much as any other man in his position would have done.

They - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - has truly put the wool over its own eyes - the ringleaders and everyone else following their SELF-DECEPTION - right up until this very moment I am writing this.

YHVH looks for INDIVIDUAL HEARTS that are following THE LORD JESUS CHRIST independently from what the world around them pretends to be true!



Jul 29, 2024

"Show those around us that followers of Jesus Christ are different."

That's straight from SATAN'S playbook ... ANYONE trying to show THE WORLD/ SATAN that he is better than the other has INEVITABLY AND ACQUIESCENTLY stepped into the realm of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN playing by the "rules" of SATAN.



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