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Judging A Book By Its Cover – Actions Speak Louder Than Words!


Updated: Jul 15, 2024

Why Are People Controlled By Words (the Narrative) and Not Concrete Actions?

By Richard Allen – July 15, 2024

This is a blog I’ve thought about for over a year – but wasn’t sure how to rightly approach the subject. So, using John 7:40-52 as a foundation, I’d like to look at a phenomenon that Modern Media and Communication have made worse and not better:  Judging Others not by their actions and behaviors, but mostly by the Narratives we’re told to believe! This is no easy subject, but there is ample evidence of widespread use – especially by the image creators in modern politics and Media. To make my point, I’d like to tap into the wisdom that comes from Scripture from an unlikely source, a man named Nicodemus.  We’re all familiar with the private dialogue he had with our Lord Jesus in John Chapter 3. Yet some may not be aware of Nicodemus’ wise counsel that he provided to the Jewish Ruling Council, that is the Sanhedrin, in John Chapter 7. To better understand this story, we need to be aware of a few things. First, the Pharisees and High Priests had already determined that Jesus was a “false prophet,” and that He needed to be removed. Jesus was clearly not part of their spiritual class, nor did He seek political or worldly gain. He didn’t play the game of religion the way the Jewish political class did. So, they opposed him on principle because Jesus was not one of them – He just didn’t fit their Narrative!

Second, the Pharisees and the High Priests sent their Temple Guards (i.e. Jewish Soldiers assigned to the Temple Grounds), to arrest Jesus (John 7:32). Then, on the last day of the Feast, Jesus cried with an impassioned plea: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” (John 7:37-38).  Many of the people attending the Feast were moved by Jesus’ words and proclaimed: “Of a truth this is that Prophet” (John 7:40), while others, not aware that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, argued with them that Jesus was a Galilean – and the Messiah would come from Bethlehem. The Pharisees and High Priests were incensed by the ignorant rabble who listened to Jesus. So they sent the Temple Guards to arrest Him. But instead of arresting Jesus, they too were amazed at His speaking: “Never a man has spoken like this man” (John 7:46). Third, the Pharisees and High Priests came to believe that the returning Temple Guards were also deceived by this slick, well-spoken Rabbi from Galilee: “Then answered the Pharisees to them: ‘Are ye also deceived? Do any of the rulers or the Pharisees believe in him? But this people, who know not the Law, are cursed’ ” (John 7:47-49). Fourth, how ironic that neither the Pharisees nor High Priests could dispute Jesus' teaching, all they could say was: “None of the Rulers or Pharisees believe him, he can’t be ‘that prophet.’ ”  You people are ignorant of the Law, so we can’t expect you to see through Him. It’s at this point that Nicodemus speaks timeless wisdom to the Pharisees:

“Nicodemus said unto them, (he that came to Jesus by night, and was one of them), ‘Does our Law judge a man before it hears him, and knows what he has done?’  They answered him, ‘Art thou also of Galilee? Search and look, for out of Galilee arises no Prophet’ “ (John 7:50-52).

While the High Priests, Pharisees and other members of the Sanhedrin had already decided that Jesus was no one to listen to, or believe, Nicodemus asks a great question: “Does our Law judge a man guilty before we’ve actually heard what he is saying and observe what he has done?” Following that simple principle might have kept these “builders from rejecting the Cornerstone, Jesus the Lord” (Psalm 118:22). These Jewish Leaders couldn’t dispute the “good news” that Jesus proclaimed, but they did know that He represented a threat to their religious livelihood and the system with which they all had grown comfortable. Sadly, even though “their religion honored God with their words, their hearts were dead and far from Him.” They “shut God out, substituting the ‘commandments of men’ ” (Matthew 15:7-9).

We live in very similar days in just about every realm of life: Religion, Politics, Academia, Science and Entertainment, great speeches, soundbites and photo ops have replaced people who actually behave with integrity and righteousness!  Don’t misunderstand, we will be held accountable for every idle word.  I am reminded of the man with both obedient and disobedient sons. The first son vocally disobeyed, but later relented and obeyed his father. The other son was all smiles and agreeable, and verbally obeyed his father’s request, but in the end: Did Not Do What His Father Asked! Jesus makes it clear that in the end it was the obedient son who pleased his father (Matthew 21:28-31).

In the past 32 years since the days of Bill Clinton, our Media has reinforced over and over again, how important it is to “appear polished” or “use smooth and slick words.” And they never hold anyone accountable for what they actually do. We have had a whole string of leaders whose sole claim to fame was: “They look good and give good speeches!”  In actuality, they do not even need to be that eloquent while speaking, as long as the Media Narrative is“Oh, she looks so presidential” (Hillary).  Or they excuse blatant exaggeration and lying because “that’s just old Joe” (Biden). And one Media commentator even marveled because “the crease of his pants looks so cool” (Obama).  My favorite is still the Media fawning over Bill Clinton saying: “Look how he feels their pain, biting his lip to reinforce his pretended sincerity.” 

What’s amazing to me is, you cannot point to any lasting accomplishments from any of these four, which actually benefited the American People!  I would even argue, that these four politicians along with both Bushes, did great harm to the United States and its people. The list of misdeeds – including giving technology to hostile foreign countries (China) and illegally selling Uranium to others (Russia & Iran), were treasonous!  Couple this with exporting American jobs outside the U.S. for cheap labor – the sad result stamped all over the “rust belt” in America’s heartland – it doesn’t look like their polished looks or smooth speeches meant anything. It was their actions that mattered! Space won’t allow discussion of how their actions have led to a coarsening of our culture. And the Illegal Immigration they fostered – is all the more heartbreaking as we now know – these leaders promoted or turned a blind-eye to, rampant child-trafficking.

But some might say: A crude president from Queens “sending out mean tweets calling someone fat,” or  “referring to dysfunctional Third World fiefdoms as hell-holes” or in even more crude ways, is not becoming or presidential. When I ask some of my “low-information friends” why they hate Donald Trump – what exactly did he do that was so bad?  All I ever hear is: “he’s a womanizer, a racist and says mean things.” Mind you, I’m not defending his womanizing, but I would say that it’s the rare exception for men and women with power not to be sexually immoral.  As to Trump’s racism, there is overwhelming evidence showing the exact opposite. Let me remind my readers, just like the Pharisees said of Jesus: “None of us Rulers – that is the ‘cool kids’ – follow him, so he can’t be anyone important.” The Pharisees created a Narrative that precluded any consideration of Jesus being “that Prophet, the Messiah!” We need to follow Nicodemus’ admonition, and start “judging men and women by what they actually do!”

Any comparison of Trump to any of the leaders mentioned:  Bush 41, Clinton 42, Bush 43 or Obama 44, shows that Donald J. Trump’s record far outpaces each of them in Energy Independence, Stopping the Flow of Illegal Invasion, a Robust Economy, lifting up poor minorities with Increased Employment, keeping America out of foreign conflicts . . . and the list goes on. We would do well to stop looking at our Leaders like we are selecting our next pastor!  No, we are selecting a world leader – most of them with money and  power – who have lived large. What does matter, is just what Nicodemus taught us:  “Do we judge a man before we see what it is he has actually done?”  Nicodemus was well aware that the Narrative about Jesus was “steamrolling” over everything in its path – and Truth was the first victim! If we are going to be “wise as serpents, yet harmless as doves” we need to stop being stampeded based on the Narrative the Media keeps telling us about everything, and start judging people on what they have actually accomplished!

In selecting our next leaders, we have actual records to compare, so we aren’t left with only the Media Spin (which is nothing more than a Well-Crafted Narrative) – deception!  Don’t listen to what they are saying, look at what they have actually done. Even if we are faced with Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer or Michelle Obama, don’t fall sway to the “hype” of TV ads or the testimony of some self-centered, debauched Actor or Performer. Look at what a potential leader has actually done! It will save us much pain and “buyer’s remorse” after we cast our votes. Just listen to the  campaign slogans from four of the worst presidential candidates in my lifetime: “Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow” (Slick Willie), “Hope and Change” (Obama), “I’m With Her” (Hillary) and “Build Back Better” (Biden). It turns out that their slogans – just like their presidencies – were just so much “hot air.”  Don’t get me wrong, “a man’s speech reveals what is in his heart” (Matthew 15:18) –  and ”we will all give an account for every idle word we say” (Matthew 12:36). So, all our politicians will be judged by their false promises and idle words. But there is also a day coming when God will render to every man according to what he has done (Revelation 22:12)! 

Soli Deo Gloria!

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2 commentaires

21 juil. 2024

"What’s amazing to me is, you cannot point to any lasting accomplishments from any of these four, which actually benefited the American People! I would even argue, that these four politicians along with both Bushes, did great harm to the United States and its people."

Considering The Book of Revelation one has to ask the question what role does "The USA" play in it. THE BEAST surely is not some tribe in The Amazon - not to be confused with Amazon, the other "beast" devouring the majority of souls that have fallen for THE BEAST SYSTEM - that is still living in harmony with GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATION.

At first you cannot believe what you are seeing. But the longer you…


21 juil. 2024

"What’s amazing to me is, you cannot point to any lasting accomplishments from any of these four, …"

There are no ACCOMPLISHMENTS to be had before YHVH - GOD ALMIGHTY - as we are all SERVANTS to YHVH.

The judgment will only be based on FAITH IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.

And believing that "politicians" - the perfect magicians of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - for cues of righteousness is in and of itself very questionable to say the least. Which doesn't mean that looking at them - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - to take our lesson what becomes of EVERYONE getting to closely to WORLDLY POWER AND MATERIAL BENEFIT … exactly as warned about by…

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