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“The Boy (or Party) Who Cried Hitler”

Dems Now Living with the Consequences of 8 Years of Vilification!

By Richard Allen – November 25, 2024

Most of us are familiar with one of Aesop’s most famous fables:  “The Boy Who Cried Wolf!” In this tale, there was a mischievous shepherd boy who reveled in taunting others with their greatest fear, the dreaded and ravenous Wolf from the forest!  Just the mention of this fearsome animal would send shock waves into the villagers, causing most to hide in fear – and the village’s hunters to ready themselves to respond with all the weaponry available. In successive taunts, the boy would cry: “Wolf, Wolf,” causing fear and panic, and bringing everyone’s daily chores to a halt. Then the inevitable actually happens, the Wolf appears – ready to prey upon the livestock this shepherd boy was called to guard. But this time as he proceeded to cry: “Wolf, Wolf,” the villagers didn’t believe him and didn’t respond to his call for help. The result was that the Wolf slaughtered many of the sheep and boldly retreated into the forest. 

There’s a clear moral to this story, the modern Democrat Party has cried: “Hitler, Hitler” too many times to count, repeatedly warning the voting public since 2016 that Donald Trump is Hitler, and if elected, will end Democracy as we know it.  In truth, what they really mean is:  “Donald Trump” is a “disrupter to the status quo,” and his reforms will end the Democrat Party’s graft and corruption it has learned to enjoy!  Both Parties have done it repeatedly over the past decades.  But the hype that surrounds the “warnings of impending doom” over this one candidate, has exceeded all others that I’ve witnessed in my lifetime, namely:  Donald Trump IS HITLER!  Just like Aesop’s “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” eight years of the combined voices of the Democrat Party Apparatchiks and their Co-Conspirators in the Legacy Media, have crescendoed to a dire warning of impending doom!  We are now at the point where some of the more “unstable” fringe members of Society have attempted to “kill Donald Trump.” Campaigning by “fear mongering” is not new.  They repeatedly said that President Reagan was crazy and senile – that he would absolutely “launch World War III with the Soviet Union.”  Also, that George Bush was a “dumb war-monger who threatened world peace with his misguided Iraq War.”  Even Deep Stater, former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, was pictured in campaign ads “rolling an old grandma in a wheelchair over a cliff” – because he was a Republican and fiscal conservative.

 This is all the more ironic, because prior to Donald Trump’s candidacy in 2015 – he was a “darling of the Left-Wing Media!”   We have a video recording from 1988 of the Donald on “Oprah” being praised by her, and encouraged to “run for President,” agreeing with him as he advocated doing the exact things he did in his first administration!  We also have a video of Donald J. Trump on The View in 2011 – being hugged and welcomed as “my friend” by the late Barbara Walters (along with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar) – as he once again promised to stop China from its unfair practices against the United States. Today, both Oprah and The View routinely call him: “Hitler!”  How crazy is this?

Add to this Donald J. Trump receiving the “Ellis Island Award” with Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali in 1986 – with the clear implication that he was a champion for New York in creating opportunities that benefited everyone.  Today he’s called a Racist Hitler, trying to separate the families of Millions of Illegal Aliens who just want to come to the U.S. for a better life. So, the question has to be asked:  “What exactly did Donald Trump do to become the human embodiment of Adolf Hitler, whose name is synonymous with mass murder and racism?”  As these videos imply, the only reason they turned on Donald Trump is simple:  Donald Trump ran against “Hillary Clinton and the Democrat Machine!”  That’s it.  Because former President Obama and the “Globalist New World Order” needed Hillary to become president to finish the work of “Transforming America” (that Obama and Biden promised they would do), Trump had to be destroyed – because he stood in their way!

Then in God’s providence, something amazing happened: The American Public didn’t buy the Democrat Party’s Propaganda in 2016!  Donald Trump ended up winning the election over Hillary, collapsing the “Blue Wall” of Middle Class working people in Midwestern “Rust-Belt States,” where the Bush-Clinton-Obama global agenda had put millions of working people out of work!  Even if some had been “brainwashed” by the “Propaganda Media” into believing Trump was Hitler, being out of a job and losing your home, was a greater pain than fearing that The Orange Man (who might be Hitler), would do the following: Put Illegal Aliens and LGBT citizens in concentration camps, stop all women from killing their babies, and start World War III – while giving tax breaks to the rich!  Not only did Trump win in 2016, but he then proceeded to govern as a leader who genuinely cared about America and her citizens. In four years, he made America “energy independent,” once again respected by our friends and feared by our enemies, also defeated a rogue Islamist Terrorist Movement in ISIS, and started bringing back blue-collar jobs to American Citizens.  He even recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and brought about the only post-World War II peace agreement in the Middle East: “The Abraham Accords.” These accomplishments don’t sound like those Hitler has done!

Remember, in Aesop’s fable, it was the people in the village who first believed him when he lied about the presence of the “Wolf.” And after several “false alarms,” they didn’t believe his phony cries of warning.  It’s here that this wonderful old fable diverts from our present day. The Wolf did eventually come. Donald Trump didn’t turn out to be Hitler after all. 

But we must be careful here. I am a firm believer in the statement:  “Past behavior predicts future performance.” And based on Trump’s first term, I do not believe he’ll become Hitler on any level.  But I would still advise us all to be prepared for a new round of Democrat-Media-Deep-State cries of “Hitler, Hitler” that are coming.  When President Trump begins to hold real lawbreakers accountable for the misdeeds of the past 16 years, we will be inundated with scenes of horror, as Illegal Immigrants and their children are transported out of the United States which they illegally entered. This will no doubt happen since Barak Obama weaponized the United States Government and the Legacy Media against the American People. We’ll also hear daily of the Deep State Bureaucrats who have been terminated for – Incompetence, Poor Performance, Breaking the Law and Behaving as Political Activists instead of doing their jobs! 

My final observation is, while Aesop’s fable and crying: “Hitler, Hitler” of Donald Trump are not exactly the same, there is one uncanny parallel:  “Eventually the townsfolk” (i.e. average American citizens), stopped listening to the hyperbolic warning cries of the Democrat Party and their Media AcolytesPeople can be fooled for just so long. Trump’s behavior – unless you believe that “mean tweets” or calling “Rosie O’Donnell fat”does not rise to the level of Hitler’s “gas chambers” or the horrors of the SS arresting people in the dead of nightTrump’s actual behavior had an impact for good on the American People – especially “Working People!”  Add to that the “total misery and pain that Biden’s build Back Better” turned out to be, and it’s easy for people to ignore the “banshee cries” of Democrat Operatives – some pretending to be journalists!  The result in 2024 has taught the average American Voter to just ignore the screams and cries of impending doom. I don’t believe the Legacy Media ever imagined they would have so little sway with “Working Americans.”  It was clear that the Kamala Harris Campaign realized (far too late) that crying: “Hitler, Hitler” wasn’t going to work again in 2024. Too bad for Kamala, she didn’t have anything else she could run on: No accomplishments of her own, and the Biden-Harris record was known and hated by working Americans.

Over the past few months I have written several times that “image and phony praise from a sycophant press” wasn’t going to comfort people who were losing their jobs – while watching the cost of groceries and fuel steadily increase.    In the end, the “mischievous Shepherd Boy” brought about the demise of the Flock of Sheep he was charged to watch.  For Kamala and the Democrat Party – who relied on “crying Hitler, Hitler,” they lost political power in both the House and the Senate – along with losing the Presidency to Donald Trump!

So let me caution you all from being overconfident. Based on their behavior in 2017 – they are not going to “lie down and take it.”  Neither are they going to just lick their wounds and say: “We’ll do better next time.”  No, these are Global-Marxist-Elite-Statists will resist Trump every step of the way. The good news for Trump in 2025 – he’s been down this road before. His recent cabinet picks make it abundantly clear – he’s not going to be timid or intimidated by the Deep State.  Donald J. Trump is going to bring about many of the “fundamental changes” that he hoped to accomplish in his first term – but was prevented.  President Trump also has to be aware of not only the “declared enemies in the Democrat Party,” he has to watch for “enemies within the ranks of so-called Republicans!”

I’m guessing that Aesop wouldn’t be surprised that his fable still rings true after all these years.  Human nature has not changed at all, so crying “wolf” or “Hitler” will be with us until Christ makes all things New!  As His children, we need only to thank the Lord for granting us a pardon from a more ravenous “Wolf” in a Lady’s Pantsuit, Kamala Harris. The irony of it all is: Joe Biden and His “Totalitarian-like” Administration behaves more like Hitler, Stalin or Mao than any Republican I can think of.  Keep President Trump in your prayers, both for personal safety, and that he will bring about badly needed changes, draining the Swamp and Prosecuting those who’ve abused the power of their office to do evil.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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