“Laws are Written & Ratified by the Consent of the Governed Through Chosen Representatives”
By Richard Allen – October 28, 2024

This is Part 3 of my Blog Series on “American Exceptionalism.” This week we’ll focus on the Third Distinctive / Principle that has made America an Exceptional country: “Our Laws are to be made, and then enacted by the People, that is, by the Consent of the Governed – Through Chosen Representatives” – and not given as Edicts from Kings, Queens and other Potentates! In short, “We the People” get to govern ourselves by duly elected representatives – who represent us, and our interests. Sadly, over the past 237 years our system has been corrupted to the point that “We the People” barely have any say which representatives we send to State and National Legislative Bodies, to make and implement laws. So, as we are now in 2024, two problems confront us in this regard: 1.) Our Elected Representatives – with rare exceptions – are controlled by Special Interest money from Lobbyists, Oligarchs, and Corporations. 2.) There are millions of unelected bureaucrats at all levels of the “Administrative State,” who have usurped power that was intended for “We the People.” And they make thousands of Laws and Regulations each year without the “consent of the people.” Then, an army of unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats arbitrarily administer Laws Never Consented To, ruling over the people of this once great land! It’s become so bad, that even when a legitimate leader tries to give power back to the people, his efforts are thwarted by layers of bureaucrats in the “Administrative State.” No matter how some might rationalize it, We Once Again Are Ruled By those who consider themselves to be Kings and Queens! Taxation without Representation is once again America’s sorry plight!
Let me tackle these two problems in reverse order. 2.) “The Administrative State.” When political scientist, Dwight Waldo first coined the phrase “Administrative State” in 1948, most people in The Washington Beltway understood what he meant. The Size and Bureaucracy of the Federal Government had grown by leaps and bounds over the twenty-first century while fighting two World Wars in Europe and the South Pacific. The massive levels of organization and paperwork needed to field an army in two theaters of war, swelled the ranks of Federal employees. State governments as well grew by leaps and bounds as the size, scope and cost of governing continued to swell and bloat. Millions of well-paying jobs with great benefits – created a “permanent political class.” Many of these positions were the spoils of a new administration coming to power, handed out like candy to political donors. Our Federal Government is one of the “largest employers” in the entire world. You would think that things would be much more efficient, but sadly inefficiency and excessive cost are the hallmarks of any program administered by government. But this is only part of the sad story. This bureaucracy requires massive amounts of “red-tape” and “administrative laws" (sometimes referred to as “statutes”) to be written by unelected and unaccountable government employees. Often, their only skill is sucking up to a “political party” or an “elected leader.” And that many layers of pencil pushers have to do something to justify their jobs – They Create Administrative Law!
Thousands upon thousands of laws and regulations are enacted annually with the stroke of a pen (or more likely, the keystroke of a computer), with zero approval and consent of the people whose freedoms these statutes restrain. The whole mess is a symbiotic arrangement for a parasitical government manager looking to increase his or her scope of authority and stature – at the expense of the American People. I’m sure you can see that this is not – nor can it ever be sustainable! Philosopher and Statesman, Henry David Thoreau, stated: “That government which governs least, governs best!” Many believe that Thoreau was quoting Thomas Jefferson – which makes sense. But this is a moot point for today's politician who believes just the opposite: They’re convinced that more government is the cure for most of society’s ills, so – “more government is the way to utopian bliss” – that is, the Perfect State!" This was not the intention of our Founding Fathers who fought the British Monarchy to “free the common man from the tyrannical rule of the Elite Royal Class!” This sorry arrangement didn’t happen overnight, rather it happened through “chipping away the rights of the individual” and replacing those rights with “the absolute right of the State to rule over every facet of life!”
John Whitehead, from the Rutherford Institute, refers to this government within a government as: “A Shadow Government.” In fact, he actually believes that we have two Shadow Governments. First, the Continuity of Government (COG) which is the planned “Shadow Government” created post 9/11, to guarantee that the United States Government would have command and control in the event of a terrorist strike that crippled normal government functions. This was all done supposedly to safeguard against a surprise attack, but can easily be used with a “False Flag Attack” – either caused or allowed to happen by the Second and more sinister Shadow Government – we usually call “The Deep State.” This Deep State Shadow Government is more pernicious in that it’s a government within the government that influences and rules in secret. It is easy to see its effectiveness in the constant pursuit of its main goals: To Implement the “Woke Agenda” for the sake of The New World Order, all to fulfill Globalist dreams of Utopia! This brings me to the First problem that works against this Self-governance Distinctive of American Exceptionalism:
1.) Today, our Elected Representatives – with rare exceptions – are controlled by Special Interest money from Lobbyists, Oligarchs, Political Parties and Corporations. Fallen men have always sought to cheat or rig the game – that’s a given. So, corrupt politicians, taking a bribe (in the end that’s what it is), is nothing new. Over the 237 years since the United States became a “Constitutional Republic,” the make-up of our Elected Representatives has drastically changed. Our representatives were once “working-class citizen-statesmen,” that is, common men and women who were still gainfully employed, earning a living on their own, apart from government. Today our representatives have “morphed” into a permanent political class – whose sole aspiration is to get rich at the public expense.
As the country grew both numerically and economically, this political class of permanent representatives favored one profession above all others – “Attorney at Law!” So, there is currently a disproportionate number of Lawyers populating the ranks of our elected representatives – especially at the level of the Federal Government. To be honest, these men and women are not among the most productive members of society, but rather, like the profession they come from – are parasitical in nature – making their living by representing others, often taking advantage of them. Flash forward to recent times and what’s happened in the past 25 years. We’ve seen a systematic capitulation to the coerced control leveled at all the major institutions of the United States Government through the influence of many “Global Oligarchs” seeking to bring in “One-World Government.” There are many wealthy men involved. The top tier includes: Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman, Michael Bloomberg, and Fred Eychaner on the short list. But there is one man who has used his money to seriously subvert this country and bring it into Global governance, a man who operates a Global NGO called “Open Borders Society.” Of course, I’m talking about George Soros! History will one-day reveal that George Soros (an actual Nazi collaborator at the age of 14) used his ill-gotten wealth to corrupt many of our institutions including: The Corporate Media, Prosecutors, State Government, Judges, Elected Representatives needing campaign cash for re-election, Institutions of Higher Learning, Relief Organizations (NGO’s), and even many Mainline and Evangelical Christian organizations – all because they needed money! And the ones he doesn’t corrupt, are then “bullied” into submission by the pressure of the rest. Soros and his money have been able to corrupt Big City Governments, radicalize major Universities, and even compromise Christian Mission and Evangelistic Organizations.
So, if you wonder how all this is possible, just follow the money from strategically placed elected representatives, organizations and key officials back to the source, and you’ll find George Soros and his money. He’s created a network of “Woke-Globalists” who seek to impose their ideology – not just on America, but the whole planet. George’s Shadow government is doing far worse than just “making Administrative Law.” Like all Marxist-Globalists – they are working to subvert the Rule of Law and topple governments, replacing them with their “New World Order.” Among the activities that have Soros’ fingerprints, here’s a very short list: Stealing Elections, Releasing Dangerous Criminals onto the Street, Installing Corrupt Voting Machines and Software in every possible State, Funding Antifa, BLM and other Radicals to Protest and Burn Blue Cities, Defunding the Police, Bringing Millions of Illegal Immigrants across our Borders by funding multiple Non-Government Organization’s (NGO’s) to Recruit, Supply and Transport the Immigrant Invasion. He then manipulates Media and other “watchdog” groups to censor those who would expose their behaviors. In fact, George was a major funder of Snopes and PolitiFact, two of the first so-called “Fact Checking” websites – all to dissuade anyone from believing that he was actually doing what they could see with their own eyes.
I’ve tried to cram a lot of information into a short Blog. Please do your own research to confirm that these things are so. One thing is absolutely sure, this Election Cycle is Not just your typical struggle between Republicans and Democrats. No, this is a struggle for America’s soul, and the future of the Republic. Please Vote, the earlier the better! But most of all, spend time with God in prayer – asking Him for a “reprieve for this once great land” – asking that He would restore Constitutional Government, and defend us against those who would oppress us! This is not just about bringing about a Donald Trump victory, that will only be the beginning of the struggle. This is about being patient afterward (if he wins) for good and decent men and women to once again “give power back to the People,” and for a return to righteousness, so that “We The People” will be able to use our freedom for good and not evil.
Soli Deo Gloria!
"... so that “We The People” will be able to use our freedom for good and not evil."
ANYONE believing this to be true is FOOLING HIMSELF.
18And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.
Mark 10, 18
19And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.
Luke 18, 19
There is no way around the fact that THERE IS NO-ONE GOOD - NONE - EXCEPT GOD ALMIGHTY! As THE LORD JESUS CHRIST is claiming that, anyone TRYING to disprove HIM is going to have a rude awakening. And by the way this quote proves that THE LORD JESUS CHRIST…
"They’re convinced that more government is the cure for most of society’s ills, so – “more government is the way to utopian bliss” – that is, the Perfect State!" "
They know, like EVERYONE who LIES, that they are acting upon the advice of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN/ LIES. But as they are so deep invested - emotionally and by extension physically/ materialistically - they simply cannot change THE STABLE out of which they are riding, which is why they have to change horses within THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN pretending before themselves in the hope and expectation to be seen by the world as "rightous". As I cross checked some information I stumbled upon the Kroger-Albertsons merger and thereby upon…
"This bureaucracy requires massive amounts of “red-tape” and “administrative laws" (sometimes referred to as “statutes”) to be written by unelected and unaccountable government employees."
Which is why THE BEAST/ THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN (US gov only being a small department of it) is going to devour itself. The only question left is: WHO (how ironic that this abbreviation points to another department of THE BEAST/ THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN) CHOOSES TO GO DOWN WITH THE BEAST AND WHO CHOOSES TO BE SAVED THROUGH THE LORD JESUS CHRIST?
" In short, “We the People” get to govern ourselves by duly elected representatives – who represent us, and our interests. "