Our Military is under the Control of Civilian Representatives chosen by the People!
By Richard Allen – January 27, 2025

By way of introduction, in this week’s Blog I’m writing about a “Seventh Principle” that makes America Exceptional: “Our Military is under the control of Civilian Representatives – including the President as ‘Commander-in-Chief,’ all chosen by the People!” This is no small consideration; it’s a huge feature of our Constitutional System of Government. This preserves the will and power of America’s Citizens, and will not allow Military Might to determine who is in control. And while our Constitution has this enshrined in its text, it was George Washington, our First President’s actions which empowered “We The People!” The picture above (as immortalized by Edwin White years later), shows General George Washington, Commander of the Continental Army, meeting with the Continental Congress in the Old Senate Chamber, Annapolis, Maryland on December 23, 1783. He did this to resign his commission as Commander of the Continental Army. This was two years after accepting the surrender of Lord Charles Cornwallis, the British General, on October 19, 1781 at Yorktown. Here’s how the “The Annapolis Complex Collection” online describes this historical event:
“This monumental painting depicts the scene in the Old Senate Chamber of the Maryland State House on December 23, 1783, when General George Washington resigned his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the victorious Continental Army. Washington's resignation was delivered at a meeting of the Continental Congress, which convened in Annapolis on November 26. The solemn ceremony is well documented in first person accounts as well as in the published rules of the ceremony, which stated that, ‘the President and members are to be seated and covered...The General is to be seated with an aide on each side, standing...the General is to arise, and address Congress...the President is to deliver the answer of Congress...the General...is to bow to Congress, which they are to return by uncovering without bowing.’ The stiff formality and deference were designed to re-emphasize the supremacy of the civilian representatives of the people over the military. Despite this formality, one witness, James McHenry, reported that ‘the spectators all wept, and there was hardly a member of Congress who did not drop tears.’ ” [https://msa.maryland.gov/megafile/msa/stagsere/se1/se14/000027/html/hesitant_revolut/msa/speccol/sc1500/sc1545/e_catalog_2002/white.html
What makes George Washington’s action so special is that he rendered his sword and considerable power as the head of the Continental Army tothe Contentental Congress, which represented Civilian Control. To use a more understandable phrase, Washington was giving his power back to “We The People!” History is filled with two basic types of rulers: 1.) Those who were born into a “royal family” and were given the throne by succession as king or queen – solely because of their blood relation to the monarchy. 2.) Powerful Military leaders who controlled a vast army. In the former, monarchs controlled the Military – in the latter, the Military itself had a man from their own ranks use the power of military might to seize control of the government. Neither system ever worked very well – especially for the poor and common man who didn’t have any connection to the powers wielded by government. What makes our American Constitutional Republic special is, that neither the King nor a great General can make himself an Emperor – our Military takes an oath not to a specific Leader, but to the Constitution, making it subservient to the Citizens of this great land!
So strong is the perceived power derived from great Military conquests, several of our greatest generals, after triumphing on the battlefield, went on to become the President. Most of them did not have any former political experience. And as we’ve learned, serving as a leader in the Military didn’t guarantee a successful presidency. I’m thinking of Ulysses S. Grant and Dwight D. Eisenhower. It’s questionable if either of them should be considered Great Political Leaders – Ulysses Grant struggled with a corrupt administration – mostly because of his “naivete” of how Washington worked. Eisenhower appears to have been a better leader, yet on his watch another, more sinister “Cold War” brought the threat of war to our doorstep. After the defeat of the “National Socialist German Workers Party” (Nazis), Eisenhower would have done better to allow Patton to “rid the world of Socialism,” instead of tolerating Stalin and Mao. We defeated Hitler, but somehow managed to exchange him for Stalin and Mao! But the point I need to make is, that Civilian Authority, through our elected representatives, controls our Military through the Three Branches of Government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial.
You would think that after 250 years this would be settled, but sadly it is not. In the days of Eisenhower’s successor, John F. Kennedy, both the Military and its stepchild, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) or as it’s now called, The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), became far too powerful for the good of the country. Under pressure to defeat Nazi Germany, the Military joined forces with the OSS, the Mafia and Corporate America. Sad to say, the “Anything Goes” mentality permeated the thinking during the struggle to win World War II. And we did win the war, but at the cost of compromising Constitutional Principles in the process. After World War II, the powers above, pushing through the Military Industrial Complex, clamored for more war. And the Soviet Union – once naively thought to be our ally against the Third Reich – turned out to be more formidable and pernicious than the Axis Powers had ever been. President Kennedy was lied to by the same Quadrumvirate powers: Military, CIA, Mafia and the Military Industrial Complex. So, after prodding him into the “Bay of Pigs” disaster in 1961, Kennedy became wary of these powers, now pushing for all-out war with the Soviet Union over the “Cuban Missile Crisis” in 1962. When the young president negotiated a political solution that didn’t involve another war, many believe it was then decided that Kennedy had to go.
The actions planned and carried out by the Military-CIA-Mafia-Military Industrial Complex over these past 60+ years have determined most foreign policy – regardless of political party. Even domestically, they wield considerable power as they bribe, blackmail and bully our elected leaders and influencers, to craft the “New World Order” they desire – without consideration of what “We The People” actually want. And when they don’t get compliance, they eliminate any who get in their way. There is just too much evidence suggesting government involvement in the assassinations of these past 60 years: John F. Kennedy, Robert F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King – and now two assassination attempts on Donald J. Trump. Speaking of whom, we have witnessed an aggressive war waged against our 45th President – before and after his taking office in 2017. The same actors who most likely took out John F. Kennedy, did everything they could to drive Donald Trump from office, all because he tried giving power back to the People!
During Donald Trump’s first term (2017-2021), the same actors above hatched the Russian Collusion Narrative, investigated Trump for everything except parking tickets, and conspired with foreign Intelligence Services (The Five Eyes: U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand). They even had a rogue General, supposedly in charge of the Joint Chiefs, traitorously work with China to thwart President Trump’s commands when he didn’t agree with them. In fact, General Milley – just fired by Trump this past week – deliberately disobeyed direct orders by the only “Commander in Chief,” President Trump. The whole attitude of the Quadrumvirate above was: “If we don’t stop Trump, he will destroy the ”New World Order” we’re trying to build! This attitude is Not Constitutional, and goes beyond the very principles which give us our “American Exceptionalism!” In a sane world “Benedict Milley” would be charged with Treason, and rightly executed. That is a crime for which the Constitution does provide the Death Penalty: Treason against one’s own country. Mind you, I’m not saying this is what Jesus teaches. No, for believers, the weapons of our warfare are not physical (2 Corinthians 10:4). But both the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul acknowledge the right of human government to administer the ultimate justice upon those who do evil:
“Be subject for the Lord's sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good” (1 Peter 2:13-14).
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore, whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer” (Romans 13:1-4).
For these past four years, our Military has not been under the control of “We The People!” Rather, a Globalist Cabal of Financiers from World Bankers to the World Economic Forum have dictated where our soldiers have been fighting. Just like the senseless and misdirected wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria over the past 20+ years, the war in Ukraine was fought – even though there was no clear American Interest. This war was about Money and Power for the Elites both in the United States and abroad. Our newly elected 47th President Trump will need to reign in the voyeuristic global conquests that have created massive numbers of deaths and debt. In the end, just like Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, there will be no clear advantage or support for “freedom and peace.” To the contrary, our American intervention has only brought more hatred toward us. Hopefully, the history books will record that these “Deep State Wars” – fought by both George Bushes, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden enriched the “Military Industrial Complex” and the Politically-connected. We haven’t brought peace, but rather set the world on fire!
President Trump will work to prepare our Military to be ready if called into a legitimate war, and rebuild the “Esprit de Corps” – no more Men posing as Generals and Admirals – wearing skirts. Our Military is not a place for Radical Social Experimentation! “We The People” want our Military to “Guard the Border” and protect us from foreign invaders. Please be aware, this Massive Illegal Immigration is not an organic movement of refugees or foreigners coming here to seek a better life, this is the United Nations and other NGO’s (Non-Government Organizations) spending millions as they work to destabilize our country to change our Constitutional Laws, Liberties and Customs. I’m convinced that Donald J. Trump has a natural desire to avoid war and negotiate peace – when at all possible. Like Washington, Trump will once again place our Military under the control of “We The People!” For Christians, real peace and a more stable and peaceful world will only come when Men and Women hear and believe the Gospel and embrace Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
Soli Deo Gloria!
This was absolutely one of the best pieces I've read on a quick historical view of past presidents and how it ties into the current state of our situation. I see how Trump is just like Washington, and I would say Trump's first term was somewhat like Ulysses Grants, where as he was a strong leader just didn't know all the in and outs of Washington (Gov) But this time around (fully educated)(fully persecuted) he is cleaning house!
Thanks Mr. Allen!
"But the point I need to make is, that Civilian Authority, through our elected representatives, controls our Military through the Three Branches of Government: Executive, Legislative and Judicial."
Who truly believes this smoke and mirrors derived from who knows where, but by no means from YHVH, which as the most likely version only leaves the possibility it to be the copycat version of SATAN trying to convince the gullible unfaithful to be better off under SATAN'S LIES than YHVH'S LAW. An extension of THE LIE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN.