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“Will the ‘Dred Trump’ Decision Launch Another Civil War?”


 Donald J. Trump May Be Sent to Prison after Sentencing on September 18th!

 By Richard Allen – August 26, 2024

Four years before the first shot was fired in the Civil War, the United States Supreme Court made, what has been called “the worst decision it ever made,” ruling in the Dred Scott Decision.  Here is a synopsis of that decision from Britanica Online:

“Dred Scott decision, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on March 6, 1857, ruled (7–2) that a slave (Dred Scott) who had resided in a free state and territory (where slavery was prohibited) was not thereby entitled to his freedom; that African Americans were not and could never be citizens of the United States; and that the Missouri Compromise (1820), which had declared free all territories west of Missouri and north of latitude 36°30′, was unconstitutional. The decision added fuel to the sectional controversy and pushed the country closer to civil war.  Among constitutional scholars, Scott v. Sandford is widely considered the worst decision ever rendered by the Supreme Court. It has been cited in particular as the most egregious example in the court’s history of wrongly imposing a judicial solution on a political problem. A later chief justice, Charles Evans Hughes, famously characterized the decision as the court’s great “self-inflicted wound.”

For years I have heard others explain interesting parallels to the “Dred Scott Decision” in 1857 and “Roe vs. Wade” in 1973. In both, the Supreme Court singled out categories of human beings, proclaiming that African Americans were not, and could never be U.S. Citizens, they were unprotected by the law, they were property to be used and disposed of. Likewise, unborn children were proclaimed to be the “product of fertilization” (a non-judgmental term for a living Baby), the “property of the pregnant woman.” Therefore, they were not entitled to protection under the law by Roe vs. Wade.  Both were “Bad Laws,” that were eventually overturned – but not before doing great harm, especially to the Country as a whole. For this week’s Blog, I’d like to look at another aspect of Dred Scott that has similarities to another judicial ruling by a Manhattan Criminal Court, finding former President and now Candidate Donald J. Trump’s guilty for 34 felonies for paper crimes – “falsification of records.” He will soon be sentenced for this “non-crime” and potentially imprisoned on September 18th. For sake of argument, I want to call this “The Dred Trump Decision.” While both Dred Scott and Roe vs. Wade did great harm to the Country, Roe vs. Wade did not lead to an actual Civil War like Dred Scott had. Today “The Dred Trump Decision” also has the potential to launch the United States into another Civil War, so it’s important that we consider the implications of this conviction, and the sentencing shortly to be administered for a “non-crime” with absolutely no victim

Like Dred Scott, “The Dred Trump Decision” is a “bad judicial ruling,” one that legal scholars roundly ridicule and admit likely to be overturned on appeal, on any of numerous glaring abuses of the law. But in the meantime, Trump will likely be jailed, unable to travel or speak, and in effect have his campaign interfered with on a massive scale. And his  imprisonment at Riker’s Island would make possible another mysterious death while in custody, just like Jeffrey Epstein –  preventing the American People from selecting the most popular Candidate to date who’s running. Many legal scholars believe that it’s a foregone conclusion that the Donald J. Trump legal team will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court for a “stay of sentencing” or a “ruling on one of the many abuses” committed by an “activist judge” and “corrupt prosecutor,” demonstrably orchestrated by the Biden-Harris Administration. This is where I am very concerned that the U.S. Supremes, headed by Chief Justice John Roberts, the man who created a Tax out of thin air to enforce the “totally unconstitutional Obamacare Mandate” – will more than likely refuse to get involved in the bogus “Trump Conviction.” Or, if the Supremes take it up, find that Trump can, and should be jailed to allow the highly partisan New York Court System to “interfere with a U.S. Election!” This will be Roberts’ “Dred Trump Decision,” the one in which he’ll forever be tainted as Chief Justice Roger Brooke Taney was, for his “faulty and unconstitutional reasoning” in Dred Scott!

The sad fact in “The Dred Trump Decision” is that unlike Dred Scott – the Republican Party leadership is now on the “other side of Liberty and Justice for All!”  They are, for the most part – just a “bureaucracy of self-serving Deep State” politicians – who are cow-towed, bribed or blackmailed into going along with the Radical Democrat Party who have once again declared that one man, Donald J. Trump, is not a citizen like others who have committed the same “paper crimes,” and thus is not protected by the laws of the land.  Donald Trump, like Dred Scott, is a “Persona non Grata!” The judge followed no rules of jurisprudence, did not allow Trump anything close to a “lawful defense of himself” and then at the end, changed all the rules to instruct the jury so they “had to find him guilty of 34 Felonies” for paper crimes for which no other politician or businessman in New York has ever been made a Felon!  We now can see the total extent of the “we’re going to re-shape America” prophecy by Joe Biden himself, just before Barak Hussein Obama took office. His administration, along with the Biden-Harris administration, has “knee-capped” virtually every institution that once operated under the principle of “equal justice under the law,” and now administers justice per the decrees of powerful, wealthy elites who rule without the consent of those who are governed. 

Here we sit, having watched eight years of “unequal justice under the law” – specifically directed at one man, Donald J. Trump. It started even before he took office by actors who broke many U.S. laws as well as the legal codes of behavior in several Government Agencies – all to destroy one man. When they failed to drag Hillary Clinton – arguably one of the worst and least qualified politicians – across the finish line to the Presidency, they harassed  and investigated Trump before and after he assumed office, with Democrat Opposition Warfare, now called the “Russia Collusion Hoax,” as that’s what it was.  Trump was eventually cleared, but to date, not one of the “criminal operatives” has been held accountable. We thought we had seen it all, until Donald Trump ran again in 2024, gaining massive popularity.

Now, in 2024, we have witnessed the implementation of “Lawfare,” and the abuse of U.S. and State Judicial Institutions by Democrat operatives and wealthy donorswho have everything to gain and much to lose – if Donald Trump is re-elected.  Like the tremendous forces arrayed against Dred Scott – people and institutions trying to appease wealthy Southern Democrat Elites – many decent moral people have gone along with these abuses of power – all under the misguided belief that they are “preventing an evil man who is a threat to Democracy from being re-elected.” Such was the case with Dred Scott.  When the Supreme Court got the case in 1856, historians now tell us that incoming President Buchanan pressured Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger Taney, to rule in favor of John Sanford, the brother of Dred Scott’s owner, Dr. Emerson’s widow.  They pushed him to declare that since Dred Scott and all African Americans were not citizens, they could not sue in Federal Court.  He also threw out the “Missouri Compromise” of 1821 – all in the hope that it would bring peace to  a heavily divided nation. Poor Roger Taney was clearly wrong. And today, we have an unlawful Administration – elected by voter fraud – using the mighty power of the United States Government to pressure all institutions (even the Secret Service), to Stop Trump By Any Means!  Only God can prevent their evil intentions.

The Dred Scott Decision was one of several major sparks that actually led to the Civil War in 1861. There is no doubt that today, many men and women in our most revered institutions (including government and the courts), are telling themselves that “they have to do whatever it takes” to prevent Donald J. Trump from being re-elected, Democracy depends on it! Nothing is too extreme or unlawful, including: Imprisonment, Assassination, Blatant Election Rigging, Restricting Free Speech on all platforms (written, visual and electronic media), just to prevent such a great evil. Sadly, far too many in the “go-along-to-get-along” Establishment Republican Party are willing to turn a “blind-eye” to any grievous injustices. You would have thought that the attempted Assassination of Donald Trump on July 13 would have been a wake-up call to many in the Republican Party, but just 5 weeks after the attempted Assassination, most media outlets won’t even talk about it – even though there is clear evidence of a coverup – not of “incompetence, but of deliberate actions to allow a deranged young man to attempt to kill a former president.”  Daily, we get more “stone-walling” and “misinformation” from the Secret Service, it’s clear that the “official story has been completely contradicted by Butler, PA Law Enforcement,”  making it clear that the Government itself had some role in the attempted Assassination – either by design or purposeful negligence!

I pray I’m wrong, that “The Dred Trump Decision” will not be made by a Supreme Court – pressured by Biden-Harris, the Deep State Establishment and Wealthy Global Oligarchs. But seeing the way things have escalated in Deep State Institutions, it appears that they have “gone scorched earth” to be free of Donald J. Trump. God help us – and the innocents that will inevitably suffer in any conflict brought about by such a clear abuse of power. I pray that the God of Heaven will grant us a reprieve, forgive this “once great land” for our making “pleasure our god,” and “worshiping and serving the creature more than the creator.”  Who knows, but that the Pendulum of History may yet swing back toward “righteousness, virtue, honesty and keeping both the letter and the spirit of the Law.”  Nothing short of a “national revival” will save us from ourselves and the greedy, selfish and lawless men and women we’ve allowed to seize power over the “land of the free, and the home of the brave.” We should still have hope, God is in control!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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