Government Checks & Balances – So No One Is Given An Advantage Over Others
By Richard Allen – January 13, 2025

In 1887, a British Statesman named John Emerich Edward Dalberg, wrote to Mandell Creighton, an Archbishop in the Church of England, that “Power tends to corrupt, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.” This is no doubt true in most institutions and structures in which men and women interact. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden, this is universally true. So how do we, as humans, “form a more perfect union” that requires us to respect one another and restrain our natural tendency to avarice? Throughout history, there has been no perfect government or monarchy – though some ruled better most. Corruption, dishonest dealings, bribes, false flags and betrayal are the only “constants” that men have displayed for over 6,000 years of recorded history. This begs the question: “How did the Framers of The Constitution of these United States propose to counter our natural tendency to corruption?” Our Founding Fathers’ answer was: “Build functional Checks and Balances giving no one the advantage over others.” Here’s how the Encyclopedia Britanica online describes this function:
“Checks and balances is a principle of government under which separate branches are empowered to prevent actions by other branches and are induced to share power. Checks and balances are applied primarily in constitutional governments. They are of fundamental importance in tripartite governments, such as that of the United States, which separate powers among Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches.” []
Overall, our system has worked fairly well – at least until our modern age. There has always been graft and corruption among the political class, often being wooed and bullied by Wealthy Elites who are used to getting their way. American history shows periods of corruption where the Checks and Balances were overcome by corrupt men who were determined to cheat – whatever the cost. And Washington D.C. – the center of power in the United States has always been a hotbed of deal-making, intrigue and bribes. But even with our Republic being wired to resist such corruption by distributing absolute power evenly over three branches of Government, greedy Elites have found ways to accomplish their personal aims, almost always to the detriment of “We The People.” Teapot Dome, Tammany Hall, The Savings and Loan Bailout – are just a few labels describing political corruption in the past. We always survived and were able to move past the scandals, to once again “clean up our act” and restore Constitutional Balances. Checks and Balances were also critical to limit power and prevent tyranny – so wrote James Madison, author of the Federalist Papers. Here is how “” explains Madison’s sentiments and words:
“In addition to this separation of powers, the framers built a system of checks and balances designed to guard against tyranny by ensuring that no branch would grab too much power. ‘If men were angels, no government would be necessary,’ James Madison wrote in the Federalist Papers, of the necessity for checks and balances. ‘In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty is this: You must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself.’ ”
Since World War II, post-war structures and systems in Washington D.C. “have found it very hard’ to govern without a “wartime economy” and the profits made by the Multi-Billion Dollar Military Industrial Complex! And each of these Industrial Companies has an “army of Lobbyists” to promote their interests. The Lobbyist-Campaign-Cash-Legislative-Fiat has created a Perfect Storm to destroy any remaining Checks and Balances. Lobbyists push for continuous wars and the armaments required to conduct those wars. Then Legislative Representatives (Senators and Congressmen elected to represent the Peoples’ interests), work to maintain the flow of their campaign cash, legislatively authorizing both the war and the armaments. The President, who also receives campaign cash, signs legislation completing the legal theft from the taxpayers. The one Check that should be a “fail-safe” – our Judiciary – normally rubber-stamps this theft. Remember, the Judiciary appointed by the President and his Party, is also controlled by the Lobbyists.
Now over the past 20 years, “global-marxist-oligarchs” have ruled the roost in Washington, and I’m not just talking about “Left-wing-Democrat-Progressives.” We now have “Right-wing-Globalist-Warhawks” pushing for war, and arms suppliers for the “Military-Industrial-Complex” with whom they are allied. It’s an incestuous cabal of Donors and Swamp Creatures who have all grown rich from “selling government to the highest bidder!” There are winners and losers in this rigged game. I’ve explained who the winners are – sadly, the losers are the American Taxpayers and their children – who end up fighting these endless wars to enrich a handful of Elite Oligarchs and Politicians! I’m not saying there aren’t legitimate times and reasons for keeping a strong military to protect the American people from aggressor nations. But this incestuous system isn’t only about stopping aggression, it’s about promoting and funding war through our Alphabet Agencies to keep the “spigot of American dollars flowing to all the players in this shell game!”
I wish I were wrong in this, but since the Alphabet Agencies and Military have joined forces in the post World War II world, the result has not been a safer, more peaceful world. Rather, they’ve worked hand in hand to destabilize governments, promote revolution, mayhem and war for profit. One only needs to look at the most recent useless war in Ukraine. Note: We didn’t respond to Vladimir Putin’s Russian aggression. Putin finally responded to at least eight years of provocation by our favorite Alphabet Agency, who overthrew the legitimately elected government in Kiev in 2014. Without rehearsing all the “pro-war” steps we took, by 2022 the Russian Bear finally responded. It’s a sad story, one in which the only winners are: The Military-Industrial-Complex and the New World Order. The original idea of Checks and Balances was to create a system where “No natural advantage” was given to one part of government or citizens, to rule absolutely without the input and restraints provided by other parts of government and other citizens. This is why our Founders created a “Republic” in which each of us has “inalienable rights” – to keep from creating winners and losers. The current losers are a Half Million Ukrainians who have died in a senseless war so a handful of Elite Oligarchs, Politicians, Defense Contractors and Munitions Suppliers could make a lot of money.
So, besides the “Post World War II” systems alluded to above, our modern age has seen another assault on our Checks and Balances: The Administrative State! Today, we have voluminous reams of Laws and Regulations written, issued and enforced by Unelected Bureaucrats – who now control the minutia of our daily lives. I’m certain that our Founding Fathers could never have imagined that we would have created such a monolith of Lawmaking and Taxation – Without Representation! No doubt, some of the Laws have been written out of concern for the “safety and well-being” of American Citizens. But I would venture that the vast majority of these laws were written through the “bribery, bullying and favoritism” by the Administrative State for those who have money and influence. Personally, I think going to a “Flat, or Biblical Tax” would be an easy first step, bringing equity back to the Tax System. And the elimination of the IRS and the whole Tax Code would “defang” the whole consortium of Lobbyists and their “Influence Peddling” from our Elected Representatives. It would be much harder to buy off our Elected Representatives, forcing them to make their case for “Re-Election” to the people through honest and representative governing.
How ironic that the whole Feudal System of “Rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies” found root in American soil. This was the system of “bribes, favors and nepotism” that our Founding Fathers left with the decaying European Monarchies when they came to this brave new land. These old corrupt systems have been clamoring to find their way back in since America’s founding. We held them mostly at bay for more than 100 years. Sadly, since the industrial age they have gained ever increasing control over the United States and our governing bodies. No doubt, this tracks with the “Urbanization of America” since the end of the 19th Century. From 1900 on, America has seen a drastic rise in urban industrialization, bringing swells of people – many immigrants – to dwell in in the slums and ghettos of our major metropolitan centers. Our founding fathers, already well aware of the power of the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Boston and other giant urban centers on the east coast, did envision future huge cities. They might not have known names or the future of cities like Chicago or Los Angeles, but they did understand the sheer numbers of urban dwellers would have substantial electoral power. That’s why they created the genius of the Electoral College!
While States with large cities have powerful voting blocs, often dominating who is elected to be a Representative to Congress, our Founding Fathers decided to give each State two Senators – regardless of size. And make selection of those Senators a decision by the States, not a plurality of the popular vote. That would guarantee small “rural states” like Iowa or Montana a voice in their government. Early in1826, these Checks and Balances were proposed to be removed. But it didn’t happen until 1913 with the passage of the 17th Amendment. Prior to that Amendment, Senators were chosen by State Legislatures. Constitutionalists reasoned that allowing State Legislatures the power to elect United States Senators, provided some protection against the Federal Government swallowing up states and their powers, providing a check on Federal Power. The House was already elected by the masses in each state, serving shorter 2-year terms. Senators selected by State Legislatures, serving for six years, countered some of the populism of the Congress. The 17th Amendment removed a huge Check. The next Check wealthy men are targeting is the “Electoral College.”
The Electoral College is a check to the power and mastery of “Urbanization” that we’ve witnessed – especially in the 20th and 21st Centuries! Without the Electoral College, approximately 95% of every square foot of the United States – including all Rural areas and Farmland – “would be governed by approx. 5% of the Urban Centers!” The needs, values and lifestyles of both Urban and Rural America are drastically different. Without the Electoral College – a National candidate could campaign in eight to ten of our largest Cities and become President. That President would then govern by the “Collective Values” of those Urban Centers, many of which are already “slaves to the state” through Welfare programs that disintegrated their Faith, Family and Virtues in the 1960’s. The “Religious Values” of Home and Hearth by “those hicks in the flyover states” (as the Elites refer to Rural America), would have ‘No Say’ in their Governance by Washington D.C! My prayer for both the people of the United States and the Church of Jesus Christ is, that we will once again return to the Checks and Balances of that wonderful (not perfect) document, the Constitution of the United States – and give Power Back To The People!
Soli Deo Gloria!
" I’m not saying there aren’t legitimate times and reasons for keeping a strong military to protect the American people from aggressor nations. "
I cannot find the quote where THE LORD JESUS CHRIST suggested such an approach.
Furthermore, I have not seen Bhutan wage any "war on terrorism", let alone any such charade in order to cover up the very creation of said "terrorists". Corrupted trees bear corrupted fruit... and the seeds thereof spread indiscriminately.
" We always survived and were able to move past the scandals, to once again “clean up our act” and restore Constitutional Balances. "
Plastering a BIGGER LIE over a smaller lie can be LABELLED as "cleanup" and if BELIEVED by enough inhabitants of THE KINGDOM OF LIES the partying is going to continue as before. Partying at a place where the clock has no hands - as one banker famously admitted after 2008 - DOESN'T MEAN that the time will never be up.
" “Power tends to corrupt, and Absolute Power corrupts Absolutely.” This is no doubt true in most institutions and structures in which men and women interact. "
ANYONE who believes that he believes in YHVH and believes that the above statement, especially the second sentence, is true has to SINCERELY AND HONESTLY re-examine whether YHVH is his true boss or the one claiming "I will be like the MOST HIGH".
There is NOTHING ON EARTH that is not severely corrupted by SATAN - THE LIE. As above quote is the very proof of it.
No man or group thereof will EVER have (ALL) the information (NECESSARY) forget about being EVER ABLE to adequately and impartially process - IF IT WERE…